Greeting the Sun
10 Yoga positions for one's well-being

Yoga imparts a very simple exercise which, performed every day, confers energy and harmony. Its original name is Surya Namaskara and it consists in ten successive positions which act by stimulating the glands. It should be practised on an empty stomach, preferably in the morning at sunrise and looking eastward, but it can also be practised in the evening after work, at least two hours after eating.

It enables you to relax and recharge your energy. Start by doing two exercises, then increase by one exercise daily until you reach 25 exercises which take no longer than 20 minutes to perform. Go through the positions slowly. Starting from the first, breathe in deeply through the nose and let out the stomach.

These positions are taken from the book Surya Namaskara - "Lo yoga del sole" by Alpa P. Pant
Casa Editrice Astrolabio, Rome, 1974

In the second, exhale slowly and draw the stomach in. Proceed as above until position five where you hold your breath for a few seconds. In the sixth position, you continue breathing in and alternate breathing for every position. In positions three and eight, the right leg alternates with the left. As you will note from the figure, identical positions are 1 and 10, 2 and 9, 3 and 8, 4 and 7.

See also:
The Sun
The brigthest star

The Numbers of the Sun

Symbols and Deities

tied to the Sun

Wuriupranili, La Donna-Sole
One of the astronomical myths from northern Australia


an attribute of the universe

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